For many years, in this 1400 square foot house, sewing meant using the kitchen table and then moving everything when it was time for dinner and/or the kids' homework. When older son, Darren, got his own apartment, Momcat took over his room (with his permission) painting it in shades of lavender, buttercream and light sage. Having a room of her own for inspiration and creation is a huge blessing, even if it's 11" x 11" and still used as a guest room.
Here's the sewing space looking from the door. The table and chair belonged to CatDaddy's grandma and has special meaning to Momcat. Every scratch and watermark indicates an action made by people she loves. This table was given to her by Grandma Irma when she had to enter a nursing home. It's been used as a play table in the family room, an extra table when family gatherings have been held and now the beloved sewing table. I know that Grandma Irma is smiling down, knowing how much love has surrounded this simple maple table.
BTW, it has hinged leaves on either side that allow the workspace to expand. Great when trying to cut, iron and quilt all at the same time!
These containers are fairly new. They're Sterlite containers with casters, and sitting on top of them are boxes from IKEA. Momcat has been teaching me how to use the label maker. Some drawers aren't labeled yet. There's still some arranging to be done.
Here's a view from the Pi-Cam. I'm under the sewing table looking at the shelf to the left in the picture. This is what is on the bottom shelf.
And here's the rest of the shelf.
Here's that corner as seen from the daybed (you'll see the other half of the room in a future post).
You'll find many loving and inspirational bits in our sewing room. These are things that have no meaning or value to anyone but us. This container of purple hearts for example....
These five hearts were given to Momcat by her mother, Eileen. Now Eileen is 83 and Linda/Momcat is her only daughter. Things weren't always the best between them when Momcat was younger, and there was a sad time of complete estrangement for a couple of years in adulthood. Then a remarkable thing happened. Mother and daughter each softened their hearts at the same time. Forgiveness, love, understanding and respect won out over obstinacy and ego.
Eileen gave Momcat the hearts as a peace-offering. They are smooth and also represent the five smooth stones that David used. Not only are they a beautiful reminder of God's constant presence and the miracles of the heart, but of the love between a mother and a daughter. They also remind Momcat to never allow a heart made of stone to weigh her down again.
Plus they're nicely practical!
The sewing room is a corner bedroom and we like to work with the windows open, as well as with the ceiling fan on. That means that patterns or bits of fabric, or tracing paper can fly around in the breeze. The hearts make fantastic paperweights.
Here is the bag made by Regina that was part of a raffle Momcat won. Isn't it cute? And the darling socks were a gift from Cathy, fellow coffee and cat-lover.
Next up we're doing a bit more in the sewing room closet. We're using another Sterlite organizer on casters. The top drawer has already been labeled and filled with gift wrapping supplies.
The second drawer has interfacing, yarn, and me.
I'm a curvy kitty who doesn't miss many meals. Thankfully, the organizer survived my endurance test.
What I Learned About Organizing Your Work Area:
1. Be patient with yourself. You didn't accumulate all this stuff in a day, so don't expect to conquer it in an afternoon.
2. Start small. Our first project was to manage the fat quarters. That's all we did for about a week.
3. Make sure you surround yourself with things that will inspire you and remind you of the love you can give and receive. However, you also need to declutter. Be selective in what you keep.
4. Use what you have.
5. Set a budget and don't worry about how things look to others. Each week Momcat allowed herself to spend $25 on some kind of organizational supply. The big closet systems were way out of our league, but we've found something much less expensive that serves us perfectly.
6. Laugh and listen to some music while you go.
7. Throw away perfection. It is not your friend.
8. A label maker IS your friend.
9. Express gratitude for whatever you have and wherever you are. If you own a sewing machine, a computer, and have any kind of space at all, you are more fortunate than most of the people on this earth. Life is good. Give thanks.
Stash Report Week 2
Stash In: 0 yds
Stash Out: 0 yds
Your pieceful partner,
Thanks! Nice room....i LOVE the paint colors!
P.S. I also LOVE coffee!!
Great room! Thanks for the inspiration during my sewing room move. I really needed that list! Have a great weekend!
Pi, Now you can come rehab my sewing room!
I don't have a sewing room but I do sew in my livingroom and I have a dedicated spot. I loved all the inspiration and organizational ideas. Do you hire out to help others?
Once upon a time I was very organized & neat ... what time can you come over? Good job.
TTFN ~ Marydon
You are very organized! At the moment I sew at the kitchen table, it is a little annoying having to move things all the time but it has to be done!
Love those stones and the story that goes with them, very precious!
Have a wonderful day!
Totally beautiful post! I love the sewing table and all of your wonderful organizational ideas. The bowl of 'hearts of stone' made me tear up...a loving and precious story about forgiveness in all ways! Blessings to you for a lovely blog and thoughtfilled posts! Your Pi-cam shows us so much more than you realize about the creative and caring woman that you are!
Thanks for the reminder of not worrying about how things look to others..or to myself who wants everything to be in really nice shelves, boxes and in perfect spaces.
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