Sunday, January 24, 2010

Stash Report Sunday - January 24, 2010

Used this Week:     0 yards
Used year to Date:  24 yards
Added this Week:    11.5 yards
Added Year to Date: 29.5 yards

Net Used for 2010:  + 5.5 yards

 It's all Momcat's fault. I mewed. I cajoled. I wrapped myself around her legs and gave her gentle headbutts. When playing nice didn't work I said "Ack!" and threatened to poop in her shoe.

But I just couldn't get Momcat to complete anything this week. She'd get home from work and either have to go back out or crash on the couch. Slacker, I tell you!

I'm hoping that the Pillowcase Team of myself, Butch and Trouble can convince her to turn this mountain of fabric on the kitchen table into completed UFOs.

Take a look at Judy's blog to see how she and everyone else did this week. I have a whip to crack.



Reenie said...

Just think of the little engine...I think I can..I think I can!! Because I KNOW you can!!!! How do you figure out how much you have used? I would have the hardest time with that!

Jennifer said...

Oh, give her a break Pi...we all have weeks like that!


Oh, you cats. Leave just ONE new thing sitting around somewhere, and you take possession. But, you may be effective in getting Mom off her bootey.

InfinityQuilter/Knitter said...

The kids sure look comfy on that pile of fabric. You'll use it up, it'll just take some time. Everyone has to have some down time every now and then.

SewCalGal said...

Very cute post. The kids' photo certainly look like they are wondering what you'll create with this stash! Please tell them "no pooping" on Momcat's shoes. Definitely not nice!


Vesuviusmama said...

Cut her some slack, Pi, everyone has days/weeks/months like that. Besides, creativity can't be forced - it must come of its own accord. She'll come around soon.

Kathy said...

Oh my golly what a cute post! But me thinks the kido's need to lay off...I mean we can have an off week once in awhile...geesh! LOL

Lori in South Dakota said...

pillowcases are addicting! And cats don't cheer us on, they only watch superiorly!!

viridian said...

I'm on the other side:
Dear Pi:
Pretend to do that pre-coughing-up-a-hairball routine. That will get her moving.